Welcome to Kirwan State High School. Since 1979, Kirwan High has come to symbolise and exemplify excellence in public school education. Today, we offer a truly unique learning environment that respects our proud traditions while embracing innovation and progress.
As a proud Independent Public School and the largest high school in Townsville, we have the distinct advantage of offering a wide range of academic, community, cultural, international and sporting opportunities that target the interests and ability levels of each and every student.
The school offers meaningful curricula and extra-curricular pathways that encourage all students to achieve personal excellence and become active and engaged global citizens of the future.
I encourage you to explore this webpage and discover the advantages of Kirwan High and learn what it's like to be part of this unique high achieving community.
Our Community
Our major feeder primary and high schools include Aitkenvale State School, Cranbrook State School, Heatley State School, Kirwan State School, Weir State School, The Willows State School and Vincent State School. Kirwan High also accepts students into our Creative Arts and Sports Academies from outside our catchment.

Motto – A School of Excellence
Personal excellence underpins everything students and staff do at Kirwan State High School.
Students are encouraged to pursue personal 'excellence' in their academic, community, cultural, international and sporting endeavours. Students are supported by expert teachers, specialist staff and programs to achieve their full potential.
Teachers are encouraged to pursue personal 'excellence' in their professional practice and are supported by the school through collegial engagement and professional learning.
Involvement in our school community
Parents/carers are encouraged to play an active role in their child's education and attend school events such as our annual 'Meet and Greet' at the beginning of the year, three-way conversations with teachers, parents/carers and student and information nights.
Joining the Parents and Citizens Association is also a great way to become involved in the school community. More information is available on our P&C page.

Heather Murry, Executive Principal