The School based Social Worker provides intervention
and support for students presenting with mild to
moderate mental health concerns. Intervention may
encompass assessment, goal setting, active engagement
and reviewing goal achievement. The Social Worker can
provide professional support and information for students,
parents/carers and the school community to enhance
student learning.
The Social worker may support students by:
- Assessing what psychological and social factors
are impacting on or contributing to the students
wellbeing, engagement and learning so that most
effect intervention and support can be offered.
- Providing wellbeing support and counselling to
students focused on prevention and early intervention.
- Working together with students/parents/carers,
other wellbeing and school staff to ensure strategies
to overcome challenges are developed with the
student can be implemented within the classroom and
school community.
- Advocacy on behalf of the students and their families
to outside organisations and within the schooling
- Develop and run prevention and early intervention
programs for small groups of identified students.
- Liaise with external agencies to support student
engagement by assisting with referrals and
transitions to programs where required.
- Providing psycho-education to the school
Meet Kris
Kris Hood
Phone: 4773 8112