About Us
The Clontarf Foundation exists to improve the education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem and employment prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and by doing so equips them to participate more meaningfully in society.
In 2017, Kirwan State High School partnered with The Clontarf Foundation to introduce an Academy at our school. The Clontarf Foundation exists to improve the education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem and employment prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men, and by doing so, equips them to participate more meaningfully in society.
The Clontarf Academy involved participants in activities, camps and workplace visits to develop a broad range of life skills. In partnership with Kirwan State High School, the Academy works with students to ensure they complete school and transition to further training and/or employment.
Any Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander boy enrolled at Kirwan State High School can apply to be part of the programme.
All students engaged in the Clontarf Academy have access to Year Level rooms before and after School and during breaks.

Kirwan High students in the Clontarf Academy have the opportunity to participate in the following activities:
- Morning trainings and afternoon activities
- Leadership Camps
- Contact Time
- Regional and State events such as the Clontarf Foundation State of Origin
- Employment Forum
Kirwan High Clontarf Support Team
Clontarf Director
Ty Carucci
Email: tcaru16@edu.au
Mitchell Gray
Email: mgray194@eq.edu.au
Year 7 Operations Officer
Ene Shibasaki
Email: eshib5@eq.edu.au
Year 7 Operations Officer
Joseph Minei
Email: jmine29@eq.edu.au
Year 8 Operations Officer
Damien Hodgetts
Email: dhodg122@eq.edu.a

s Offi
ustin Bin Doraho
Email: jbind20@eq.edu.au
Year 9 Operations Office
m Nomoa
Email: nnomo0@eq.edu.au
Year 10 Operations Officer
Josh Phillips
Email: jphil482@eq.edu.au
Year 11 Operations Officer
Cameron Leonard
Email: cleon56@eq.edu.au
Year 12 Operations Officer
Shaun Nona