School Map
Please see below for a map of Kirwan State High School.
The School Map is available for download - School Map (PDF, 2.2MB).

Public Transport
You can find information on buses to and from school using
Sunbus Journey Planner.
Cars must not enter the designated bus set down and pick up area on Hudson Street at any time. This area is enforced by police and the Townsville City Council.
Parking is limited at Kirwan High. There are some allocated parking bays for visitors at the Administration Building car park located off Hudson Street.
Parking can be found on side streets around the school. Please be aware of parking restrictions and blocking entrance to private residences.
There is parking for staff only in the large Staff Car Park on Hudson Street near the Kirwan Aquatic Centre entrance. Students who drive to school do so with the permission of their parents. Students are not permitted to use the Staff Car Park located on Hudson Street.
Drop Off Zone
There are passenger drop off/pick up zones located around the school. One is in the Hudson Street car park, and the other at the back of the school on Ridley Road or Neptune Street.
The Hudson Street drop off/pick up zone can be accessed through the car park via the entrance near the Kirwan Aquatic Centre. Follow the one-way lane around to the covered area and move into the left lane. The right lane is for drive through traffic and cars exiting the car park. The striped area must remain free of vehicles at all times.
Be on alert for pedestrians and students near the Special Education Block and keep the lane moving as much as possible.
All traffic exiting the car park between 8-9am and 2-3.15pm must turn left onto Hudson Street. This is a one-way area. Please be mindful and courteous to all users to ensure student safety.
Cars must not enter the designated bus set down and pick up area on Hudson Street at any time. This area is enforced by police and the Townsville City Council.
See below for Hudson Street drop off/pick up zone and bike racks access:
Bike Racks
The student bike racks are located behind the Trade Trading Centre. There are only two ways to enter and exit the bike racks so that riders remain out of the car park at all times.
Students are responsible for locking bikes securely to avoid theft.
- Students entering and exiting the bike racks from Hudson Street must use the single pedestrian gate beside the Aquatic Centre. Follow the pedestrian path around past the pool entrance and down the path between the Automotive Shed and Trade Training Centre.
- Enter the bike racks via the pedestrian gate on Thuringowa Drive near the basketball courts. Follow the path up to the bike racks.
The bike racks are locked at the beginning of the school day and are not unlocked again until 2pm Monday and 2.45pm Tuesday through Friday.