Teaching and Learning at Kirwan High is underpinned by the school's pedagogical framework, The New Art and science of Teaching.
Kirwan High was the first school in North Queensland to implement the Art and Science of Teaching, and the benefits of focusing on the ways students learn is evident in the excellent outcomes of our students.
Robert Marzano's The New Art and Science of Teaching provides a common language for discussing effective teaching across our school. The instructional model consists of three broad categories: Assessment, Content, and Context. Each category is broken up into Design Areas and each of these have a number of elements.
The benefit of this model is that it operates as an ‘umbrella’ which allows us to incorporate effective teaching strategies and the work of other education experts beneath the broad framework of The New Art and Science of Teaching. A number of examples are included below:
Universal Design for Learning https://www.cast.org/impact/universal-design-for-learning-udl |
Restorative Practices, including Intentionally Inviting Classrooms https://www.monash.edu/education/teachspace/articles/how-to-use-restorative-justice-in-your-classroom-and-school |
Positive Behaviour for Learning https://behaviour.education.qld.gov.au/supporting-student-behaviour/positive-behaviour-for-learning |
Four Dimensions https://carolineblackley.com/
Teach Like a Champion https://teachlikeachampion.org/